The Australasian Military Medicine Association (AMMA) aims to promote research in military medicine and offers research grants to members.
If you wish to become a member of AMMA, please apply online.

AMMA offers one $10,000 and one $20,000 research grants annually to AMMA Members who are currently planning or undertaking research in aspects of military medicine and/or veterans’ health. The grant funds are to assist with the costs associated with the research project leading towards a publication.

Applicants must either:

  • be a citizen or permanent resident of either Australia or New Zealand;
  • or
  • be a foreign researcher with a work visa extending for a minimum of 12-months after the grant concludes (this is to maximise the opportunity to realise grant outcomes).

All associated grants and funding application related to the research project must be declared.

Prior to making an application, please review the AMMA objectives as stated below and confirm that your research aligns with the AMMA objectives. The additional benefits of the AMMA funding must be clearly articulated and need for the AMMA funding justified.

Objectives of the AMMA

  • Promoting the study of military medicine
  • Bringing together those with an interest in military medicine
  • Disseminating knowledge of military medicine
  • Publishing and distributing a journal in military medicine
  • Promoting research in military medicine

Although preliminary results and pilot studies are not mandatory, applications should present a well-supported hypothesis, supported by preliminary data or be based on other research findings.

Applications will be assessed by the AMMA Council on merit, using the following criteria:

Research Quality – the quality of the project aims and the proposed research plan will be assessed, high regard will be given to innovation as a prime objective, the scheme is not intended to fund research that has already been performed, or to validate findings already established in other areas

Innovation & Creativity – This measures the degree to which the research seeks to challenge and shift current paradigms or has a major impact on current knowledge of military or veterans’ health, such as:

  • develop or use novel research concepts, approaches, technologies or interventions
  • propose a reinterpretation, refinement, improvement, methodologies, technologies or interventions
  • integrate and adapt concepts, approaches, methodologies or technologies from other research fields or disciplines for a new purpose or in a new way.

Applicants should clearly explain their point of difference from current concepts, approaches, methodologies, technologies or interventions in order to sufficiently demonstrate innovation and creativity in their proposed research.

Significance – The extent to which the outcomes and outputs will result in advancement in knowledge of military medicine or veterans’ health.

Capability – The experience and expertise of the applicant and their team, the resources available to achieve the project aims.

How to apply:

Application is online and will take around 15 minutes, please ensure you have the following documents ready to upload:

Research Synopsis – maximum 800 words

This research plan should include your rationale, hypothesis, aims, methodology and recording format. The assessment criteria should be considered when writing your synopsis, addressing research quality, innovation & creativity, significance, and capability.

Submission Statement

This should outline the funding you are requesting from AMMA, an outline of other funding sources, the resources available for the project (eg: staffing, equipment, admin support) and the source of these resources. Outline the time frame for the research project including key milestones and completion deadline.

Ethics Approval (if required)

If your research will require ethical approval related to the principles set forth in the Helsinki Declaration, it should be conducted in accordance with such principles. Any ethics approval must be stated.


A detailed budget is required as part of your submission.

All actual and projected income must be stated. Funding sources are to be acknowledged in this document.

List expenses and state how an AMMA grant would be utilised.

Researcher Publication History

Please provide links to any previously published studies by the research team.

Terms & Conditions:

  • Applicants must agree to submit their research paper to the JMVH for consideration of original publication –
  • If an applicant has previously been awarded a research grant from AMMA, they must include a status report on the previous grant
  • Applicants must adhere to the timeframes provided during this submission and report progress to AMMA when requested, time extension requests will be at the discretion of the AMMA Council
  • Applicants must acknowledge the funding provided by AMMA in all publications resulting from the study.
  • Grant funds must be applied towards the costs specified in the application
  • Applicants agree to provide their details including name, affiliations and photograph to AMMA, for promotion of the research grant
  • The recipient must, within three calendar months of the agreed completion date of the project, provide a minimum 200-word report outlining how the AMMA research grant assisted the project, this will be used at the discretion of AMMA
  • AMMA, on application shall dispense grant funds by either making direct payment to supplier invoices, or reimbursement to the applicant for expenses incurred subject to the applicant providing reasonable evidence of the expenses
  • AMMA is not liable for any tax liabilities or any other obligations the successful applicant may incur as a result of accepting the grant
  • In accepting a grant, the successful applicant agrees to waive, release and discharge AMMA of any and all liability, arising from the payment of the grant funds for the research project. including but not limited to any liability arising from the negligence or fault of the entities or persons released for death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind that may occur as part of the grant, including during or after any travel undertaken as part of the grant.
  • By making an application, the applicant consents to AMMA using the information contained in the application to verify the eligibility of the applicant including, without limitation, consenting to AMMA contacting the relevant university or organisation to verify the accuracy of the application.